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Access Broadband Cymru Grant

If you have poor or no broadband, you will most likely be eligible for the Access Broadband Cymru Grant currently available. 

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Do you have slow Internet?

You might be eligible for a grant from the Welsh Assembly to boost your internet speed.


If fibre isn't available in your area, the Welsh government's Access Broadband Cymru Subsidy Scheme is there to help you.

Talk to our team – we'll guide you through the application process and help secure the grant you need for faster, more reliable internet.


How do I get it?

Here's the steps you'll need to follow.

Step 1

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Get a quote from us

We'll conduct a site survey if necessary, and give you a quote. From there, we'll provide the necessary quote documents, which you'll need to keep a hold of.

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Step 2

Fill out the application form

You can download the ABC application form from our website, or from the Welsh Assembly's Website. When you've filled out all your info, submit your form along with the quote we've sent you.


Step 3

Let us know the verdict

Once you're application has been processed, the Welsh Assembly will send you an Offer of Funding letter. Send us a copy, and we'll take it into account when we start working with you.

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